Professional Service |
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EU evaluation
Switzerland Kazakhstan |
-Horizon Europe – MSCA-DN (ENV panel) 2021, 2022 Expert -Project Monitoring (ENV Panel) 2023 -Horizon WIDERA – Twinning (ENV panel) 2021, 2023 -Horizon Europe – MSCA-SE (ENG panel) 2022 -Horizon Europe – MSCA-PF (ENV panel) 2021, 2022, 2023 -H2020-MSCA-IF (ENV panel) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 -H2020-MSCA-ITN (ENV panel) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 -SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (ENV Panel) 2022, 2023 -National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation (Government of Kazakhstan) 2020 |
Guest Editor
Reviewer |
-Frontiers in Earth Science
-Geosciences (Volcano Seismology) -International Journal of Geophysics -Applied Sciences -Nature Scientific Reports -Geophysical Research Letters -Journal of Geophysical Research -Geophysical Journal International -Physics of the Earth and Planetary interiors -Bulletin of volcanology -Surveys in Geophysics -Tectonophysics -Bull. of Seismological Society of America -Geothermics -Annals of Geophysics -Journal of Applied Geophysics -International Journal of Geophysics -Remote Sensing -Energies -Geosciences -J. of South American Earth Sciences -The Scientific World Journal -Earth, Planets and Space -Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
Teaching |
Fellowships/Grants |
2013 - 2015 2012 - 2013 |
Volcanic Hazards (Master Level)
Geothermal resources (Master Level) Volcanic Hazards, volcano-geophysics and seismic tomography (Master Level) Physics of volcanoes (Undergraduate Level) |
2010/01 - 2013/09
2011/03 - 2011/06 2006/09 - 2007/06 2003/09 - 2008/06 |
Doctorate Scholarship Award. Basque Government. Ref. BFI09.277
Travel Grant. Destination: INGV – Oss. Vesuviano. Basque Government Séneca Fellowship. Mobility program between Spanish universities. MICINN University Scholarship Award. Full-tuition merit scholarship. Basque Government |
Outreach activities |
Invited talks/Seminars |
All about Volcanoes! Team leader of the educational volunteering program for 2nd grade students. BASIS-CRS program 2014 How to become a volcanologist program Team leader of the educational program for 11-12 year students. MED-SUV European project outreach activities Volcano-Seismology: listening volcanoes EU Commission Researcher’s night Program, Scientific collaborator at University of Granada Studying active volcanoes EU Commission Researcher’s night Program, Invited researcher & co-author at University of Cádiz (Spain) 2013 From Trapagaran to Antarctica Talk at Itxaropena Ikastola School (Spain) From Trapagaran to Antarctica Talk at AVIFES Association (Spain) 2012 Living near volcanoes Talk at I.E.S Padre Manjón High School (Spain) |
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (US)
Seismic Attenuation tomographies of Active volcanoes University of California at Berkeley (US) - BSL Seminar series 2D and 3D Seismic Attenuation Tomographies in Active Volcanoes Georgia Institute of Technology (US) - Geophysics seminar 2D and 3D Seismic Attenuation Tomographies in Active Volcanoes Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (Japan) Seismic attenuation tomographies at Asama volcano Volcano Research Center, University of Tokyo (Japan) 2D and 3D seismic attenuation tomographies in active volcanoes University of Granada (Spain) TOMO ETNA experiment: an imaging active campaign at Mt. Etna volcano University of Granada (Spain) Attenuation studies in volcanic Regions Institute für Geophysik, University of Munster (Germany) Spatial distribution of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in active volcanic islands: the cases of Tenerife and Decepcion Islands University of Granada (Spain) Seismic attenuation in Tenerife (Canary Islands) and Deception Island (Antarctica) |